URGENT! our warehouse in Valencia has suffered from the flash floods in Spain. Shipments will be delayed.

Transitioning from Summer to Fall: Emotional Wellbeing Tips for a Healthy Mind and Body

Emotional Wellbeing Tips for a Healthy Mind and Body

As we transition from the warm, sunny days of summer to the crisp, cooler months of fall, it’s important to maintain emotional and physical wellbeing.This shift in seasons can affect our mood, energy levels, and skin health. At AYPA, we believe that a holistic approach to wellness, supported by natural skincare, is essential during this […]

The Importance of Circulatory Massages and Natural Products

circulatory massage

In the fast-paced world we live in today, taking time for self-care has become essential, especially for women who prioritize their overall well-being. From maintaining a healthy diet to practicing yoga and indulging in luxurious skincare routines, these habits contribute to a balanced life.  One crucial practice that often gets overlooked is the circulatory massage, […]

Lucuma: Rich in Retinol and Niacin

This sensual fruit from ancient Peru, with thousands of years of history, is not only steeped in feminine and fertility legends but lucuma brimming with nutritional and medicinal properties. Discover the story behind this exotic fruit that heals both body and skin, and why it is rapidly gaining recognition in the skincare world. The Value […]

Grounding: The Key to a Relaxing and Energising Summer


Grounding, also known as earthing, is the practice of physically connecting the body to the earth to improve health and well-being. This can be achieved by walking barefoot on grass, sand or earth. The theory behind grounding suggests that direct contact with the earth allows the body to absorb electrons that are naturally present in […]

AYPA Terra Retreats

Aypa terra retreats

We are living in times of big changes where the hours and dates seem to be speeding up. So, it becomes more and more difficult to find a moment of connection with ourselves.The Aypa Terra Retreats are “your moment”. We are motivated to make you find a space of tranquility that leads you to reunite […]

A way to inner self, immersing yourself in nature.

immersing yourself in nature

If you think about hiking you might immediately imagine immersing yourself in nature. It can be as simple as a walk through the forest or along a dirt path.But the story I am about to tell you is more than a hiking experience. It has been one of the most intense experiences I´ve ever had […]

Vegetable Oils in Summer

vegetable oils

You have probably heard about it: vegetable oils and sun are not good friends. Common preconception or truth? Follow me, I will let you know! The temperature at which the oils begin to boil depends on the plant from which they are extracted. For example, linseed oil begins to boil at 107°C, olive oil at […]

The Secret behind the Andean Plants

Andean aypa

It is very easy to get fascinated by the natural beauty of the Andean landscapes in Peru. The mysticism in this land of Incas is in every corner of its exuberant geography and abundant biodiversity. However, what is the real secret for this captivating land to be home to the most valuable medicinal plants on […]

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